Every day News / Stiri de zi cu zi
luni, 19 ianuarie 2015
The queen of beauty products Christine Valmy, died / Regina cosmeticelor Christine Valmy a murit
Chiar daca se spune ca frumusetea vine din interior, se pare ca produsele cosmetice intretin destul de bine frumuseta la exterior.
Dovada o face insasi Christine Valmy. Cercetand trecutul acesteia si rasfoind prin pozele recente de pe internet, am fost foarte uimita sa aflu ca a murit la varsta de 88 de ani. Nu stiu daca se datoreaza produselor cosmetice datorita carora a devenit faimoasa sau este vorba de operatii estetice, ideea este ca a fost frumoasa si delicata chiar si la aceasta varsta.
Christine Valmy s-a nascut in Romania sub numele de Cristina Xantopol, schimbandu-si ulterior numele sub care a construit imperiul cosmeticelor Christine Valmy Inc, aceasta denumire luând ființă, în anii următori, peste 30 de saloane de înfrumusețare și școli de machiaj, estetica și manichiura.
Even if it says outside beauty comes from the inside, it seems like cosmetics products conserv de exterior beauty pretty well.
The prove is Christine Valmy it self. Looking to find more about her and seeking for recent photos on the internet, i was surprised to find out that she was 88 years old at the moment she died. I don't now if she conserved her beauty with the cosmetic products she after became famous or if she had plastic surgery, the point is that she was still pretty and delicate even at her age.
Christine Valmy was born in Romania with her real name Cristina Xantopol, she change her name ulterior into the one that founded her emperior of cosmetics Christine Valmy Inc, extending to more then 30 beauty salons and make-up schools, aesthetics and manicure.
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